Membership Information

Those that are employed, previously employed, and or appointed as a School Resource Officer, may become a UTASRO member for only $25.00 a year. This also includes school administrators, educators, or school employee responsible for school safety.
Any individual, partnership, firm, or cooperation interested in fostering the aims and objectives of this association may, upon contribution of $50.00 or more a year, may become a sustaining member. A sustaining member will have all the privileges of an active member, except voting rights.
Membership includes the following:
- Specialized training
- Networking Opportunities
- Association Awards
- Member Coupons & Discounts
- Volunteering & Community Service Projects
- Membership Community
- Conference Opportunities
Venmo Information
Use the UTASRO Venmo information to become a member or simply donate to the organization!
BE SURE TO PUT YOUR NAME AND EMAIL in the "What's it for" area. We will reach out to you with membership confirmation and information. Every transaction is
PRIVATE and will not be seen by others. Thank you!